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High-Speed Velocimetry

Linear Photodiode Arrays For Time-Domain FLEET Velocimetry In Hypersonic Flows

Linear Photodiode Arrays For Time-Domain FLEET Velocimetry In Hypersonic Flows

Douglas W Carter, Steven J Beresh

Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, United States

Visualization Of Freestream Vortices In The NASA Langley 4-Foot Supersonic Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel

Visualization Of Freestream Vortices In The NASA Langley 4-Foot Supersonic Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel

Ross A Burns (1), Timothy W Fahringer (2), Paul Michael Danehy (3)

1. Vigyan, Hampton, United States
2. NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States
3. NASA Langley Research, Hampton, United States

Spatially-Resolved Freestream Velocity Measurements At The NASA Langley 31-Inch Mach 10 Air Tunnel Using FLEET

Spatially-Resolved Freestream Velocity Measurements At The NASA Langley 31-Inch Mach 10 Air Tunnel Using FLEET

Neil S. Rodrigues, Olivia K. Tyrrell, Paul M. Danehy

NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, United States

Characterizing Femtosecond Laser Tagging Performance With A 1030 Nm Yb:KGW Laser And Application To Continuous 50 KHz Velocimetry

Characterizing Femtosecond Laser Tagging Performance With A 1030 Nm Yb:KGW Laser And Application To Continuous 50 KHz Velocimetry

Weixiao Wang, Rishav Choudhary, Christopher Limbach

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, United States

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