Scanning Lagrangian Particle Tracking To Measure 3D Large Scale Aerodynamics Of Quadcopter Flight
Scanning Lagrangian Particle Tracking To Measure 3D Large Scale Aerodynamics Of Quadcopter Flight
Daniel Schanz, Andreas Schröder, Johannes Bosbach, Tobias Strübing, Claus Christian Wolf, Clemens Schwarz, Alexander Heintz
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany
Aerodynamic and acoustic investigations of rotor-rotor wake interaction
Aerodynamic and acoustic investigations of rotor-rotor wake interaction
Fabrizio De Gregorio (1), Karl-Stephane Rossignol (2), Giuseppe Ceglia (1), Jianping Yin (2)
1. CIRA, Italian Aerospace Research Centre, Capua, Italy
2. DLR, German Aerospace Centre, Braunschweig, Germany
Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation Of The Aerodynamic Interaction Between Helicopter And An Aircraft Carrier
Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation Of The Aerodynamic Interaction Between Helicopter And An Aircraft Carrier
Rafael Bardera, Juan Carlos Matias, Estela Barroso
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
An Experimental Investigation Of µUAV Rotor Wingtip Vortices Through High Spatial Resolution PIV
An Experimental Investigation Of µUAV Rotor Wingtip Vortices Through High Spatial Resolution PIV
Giosuè Longobardo (1), Tommaso Astarita (1), Fabrizio De Gregorio (2)
1. Università degli Studi di Napoli, Napoli, Italy
2. Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali, Capua, Italy
An Appraisal Of Large-Scale Particle Tracking With Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles
An Appraisal Of Large-Scale Particle Tracking With Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles
Robin Leister (1), David E. Rival (2)
1. Institute of Fluid Mechanics - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
2. Institute of Fluid Mechanics - Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
Application Of Temperature-Sensitive Paint For Transition Detection On An NLF Forward-Swept Wing Under Harmonic Pitch Oscillation At Flight-Relevant Mach And Reynolds Numbers
Application Of Temperature-Sensitive Paint For Transition Detection On An NLF Forward-Swept Wing Under Harmonic Pitch Oscillation At Flight-Relevant Mach And Reynolds Numbers
Nils Paul Van Hinsberg, Ulrich Henne, Christian Klein
Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology - German Aerospace Center, Goettingen, Germany