LIF Thermometry With A sCMOS Color Camera And Multiple Dyes
Claudio Mucignat (1), Thomas Rösgen (2), Ivan Lunati (1)
1. Empa, Dübendorf, Switzerland
2. ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
We propose a method to perform accurate temperature measurements by means of Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). We use a sCMOS color camera and a 2-dye solution based on RuPhen, excited in the blue part of the visible spectrum. By changing the relative concentration of the dyes we can manipulate the color channels temperature sensitivity, which allows us to apply a laser power correction which is robust and less affected by image noise compared to convectional ratiometric approaches. Another advantage is that the overall temperature sensitivity is only partially reduces compared to the one of RuPhen, which is not the case if a ratiometric approach is chosen. The method is demonstrated on a bench-top setup, where temperatures can be precisely controlled. An error analysis shows that an accuracy better than 0.5 ◦ C is possible. The correction method can be applied to other measurement techniques, such as Pressure Sensitive Paints (PSPs).