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Flow Measurements Above A DBD Plasma Actuator Array By Means Of Defocusing PTV

Saskia Pasch, Heinrich Lionel Lange, Robin Leister, Jochen Kriegseis

Institute of Fluid Mechanics - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany


Lagrangian defocusing particle tracking velocimetry (DPTV) measurements are conducted in a thin, wall-parallel volume above a plasma actuator array that is applied to mimic the effect of wall oscillations by inducing alternating, wall-parallel forcing in opposite directions into the air above the actuator surface. The aim of the experiments is to capture the plasma-induced flow structures in otherwise quiescent air in order to increase the understanding of different actuation parameters. For this purpose, high-speed particle image velocimetry equipment with one camera is used in a DPTV setup, where the out-of-plane particle coordinate is obtained through the diameter of a defocused particle image. On this basis, an approach for continuous particle tracking in several consecutive frames is presented, allowing to derive three component, three dimensional velocity and acceleration data. Light reflections that occur on the adjacent actuator surface give raise to particular challenges concerning the measurement uncertainty estimation as well as the calibration procedure for the evaluation of the wall-normal coordinate of tracer particles. To overcome the latter, a calibration approach is presented for which solid particles are applied to the actuator surface and their particle image diameter is captured at different camera positions in a separate measurement. The estimation of in-plane and out-of-plane displacement measurement uncertainties is conducted following a newly-developed procedure where the deviation of particle displacements from a straight track is evaluated for measurements in quasi-quiescent air. The obtained results show the suitability of DPTV measurement technique for the practical application of the characterization of flow structures above a plasma actuator array. The measurement accuracy is found to be limited due to the available illumination, which depends on the used components. The measured flow fields together with optical and electrical measurement data allow for a further analysis of the present forcing strategy. Particularly, by recording phase-resolved, three-dimensional flow velocity and acceleration fields in the vicinity of the wall, the spatio-temporal occurrence and homogeneity of the near-wall forcing effects can be analyzed in future investigations.

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