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PIV Processing Algorithms

Estimating Velocity Correlations Using Single Pixel PIV

Estimating Velocity Correlations Using Single Pixel PIV

Sven Scharnowski, Christian J. Kähler

University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Neubiberg, Germany

A Meshless And Binless Approach To Compute Statistics In 3D Ensemble PTV

A Meshless And Binless Approach To Compute Statistics In 3D Ensemble PTV

Manuel Ratz, Miguel Alfonso Mendez

von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium

A Particle Based Approach For Improved Resolution PIV And TOMO-PIV Based On The Coherent Point Drift And The Affine Least-Squares Transformation

A Particle Based Approach For Improved Resolution PIV And TOMO-PIV Based On The Coherent Point Drift And The Affine Least-Squares Transformation

Bertrand Mercier (1), Lionel Thomas (1), Benoit Tremblais (2), Laurent David (1)

1. Intitut Pprime, Chasseneuil-Du-Poitou, France
2. XLIM, Limoges, France

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