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Application Of Onboard PIV To Front Wheelhouse Wake Behavior Under Stationary Crosswind Conditions

Naoshi Kuratani

Honda R&D Co., Ltd,, Haga-Machi, Haga-Gun, Tochigi, Japan


When driving a car, the driver and passengers may feel larger drag from a headwind, the steering wheel would be taken away by a crosswind or pushed by a tailwind. Anytime, anywhere, we will encounter various scenes with natural wind under real world conditions such as urban, suburb and highway. We will develop the appropriate vehicle by simulating these conditions to satisfy with various customer requirements. For v ehicle aerodynamic research and development, we are simply running simulations in physical- and cyber-space, that is, wind tunnel facility and computational fluid dynamics to reproduce these real worlds. However, it is not easy to simulate these wind inlet conditions, such as the temporal change in crosswind, especially, in wind tunnel facility. The stationary yaw angle by rotating turntable would reproduce a crosswind, if there is no turbulent generator system like in Pininfarina and Swing in FKFS. Therefore, we focus on the unsteady and asymmetrical flow from the front wheelhouse of the vehicle with tire rotation. There is three-dimensional complicated flow that are interacted by the flow from various directions, such as the flow along the front bumper, the flow along the rotating tire and wheel, the blowing flow from the rotating wheel opening area and the flow from the tire house. These complicated flow produces the front wheelhouse wake along the body side that affects the vehicle aerodynamic performance. Furthermore, there are asymmetrical flows around the vehicle by different front wheelhouse wake in windward and leeward sides. The larger side wake increases the aerodynamic drag, and the fluctuating side wake may induce the instability of the vehicle handling stability. Here, the proposed onboard 2D-3C PIV measurement system in the previous study enables us to measure same measurement area along the vehicle body side without change in optical configuration effectively, that indicates to reduce the time by resetting the optical configuration. We will investigate what kind of flow field should be focused on and controlled to prevent the vehicle instability by investigating these asymmetrical flow field around the vehicle under crosswinds.

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