Particle Shadow Velocimetry And Its Potential Applications And Advantages Vis-à-Vis Particle Image Velocimetry
Gauresh Raj Jassal, Maxwell Song, Bryan Eric Schmidt
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, United States
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is an established standard velocimetry technique in experimental fluid mechanics that involves determining a fluid flow velocity field from the motion of tracer particles illuminated by a laser sheet. The necessity of laser illumination poses challenges in certain applications, and is a potential entry barrier due to its complexity and high cost. A laser-free alternative to PIV is particle shadow velocimetry (PSV), which uses images of the shadows cast by the particles on the camera sensor under back-illumination, instead of the Mie scattering signal produced by laser illumination. This study aims to compare various aspects of PSV such as depth of field, seeding density, type of illumination required, particle size, image filtering, cost effectiveness, and limitations with those of PIV. PSV and PIV measurements are conducted in the wake of a flow past a cylinder and in a boundary layer developing over a flat plate. It is found that PSV is capable of achieving equivalent accuracy to PIV and is a viable alternative to PIV in certain applications where light sheet illumination creates experimental challenges.