Study Of Mixing Enhancement Of The 3-D Acoustofluidic Mixer Using Digital In-Line Holographic Micro Particle Tracking Velocimetry
Olivia Christy Tarigan, Chen-Chia Li, Chia-Kai Chang, Wei-Hsin Tien
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tapei, Taiwan
In this study, the 3-D flow patterns and mixing performances are investigated for an acoustofluidic Y-junction micromixer using Digitial In-line Holographic Micro-Particle Tracking Velocimetry (DIHμPTV) and epi-fluorescence flow visualization. Two parallel longitudinal spines were placed in the channel to induce sustaining solenoidal 3-D acoustic streaming vortices, which work as the secondary flow in the mixing channel to reduce the diffusion mixing length and in turn enhance the mixing performances. The two spines have a triangular cross-section, with a base width of 0.2mm and a height of 0.3mm, placed 1.2mm apart from each other in a 2.8mm width and 1mm height channel. The Y-junction has two configurations, one has the spines directly connected to the side wall at the Y-junction, and the other microchannel has a gap between the two spines and a flat junction shape. The driving mechanism is provided by two piezoelectric disks, operating at 12 kHz oscillation frequency and 20V peak-to-peak amplitude. The 3-D flow patterns were recorded by the DIHμPTV in two measurement volumes to fully cover the test section’s height. The holographic reconstruction scheme is based on the 1st Rayleigh-Sommerfeld solution with an extra deconvolution step to improve the accuracy of the reconstruction of the depth position. The deconvolution step utilizes a simulated hologram of the Point-Spread Function (PSF) and reduces the depth uncertainty during the deconvolution of the raw data. The mixing performances of the acoustofluidic Y-junction micro-mixers were evaluated by the epi-fluorescence experiments, and the mixing indices were calculated and compared to verify the improvements compared to the Yjunction micromixers without the acoustic streaming vortices. The results confirmed the improvement of the mixing and the sustaining 3-D flow patterns even with a high flow rate, which could not be achieved with 2-D sharp-edge obstructions tested previously. The novel configuration may have the potential to inspire designs of high-throughput and low-pressure loss active micro-mixers.