Single-Frame Lagrangian Tracking Of 3-D Acoustic Streaming Flows Using Digital Defocusing Micro Particle Streak Velocimetry
Wei Hsin Tien, Zi-Ling Lin
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tapei, Taiwan
In this study, a single-frame particle streak velocimetry technique is applied to the classic DDPIV(Digital Defocusing Particle Image Velocimetry) concept to achieve a single-frame 3-D Lagrangian tracking of particles in microscopic flows. The shortcoming of images suffering low signal to noise ratio due to pinholes can be avoided. With the streak resolving algorithm, it allows extended exposure time when streak images are taken, and the single-frame approach also eliminates the need for high-cost and complicated synchronization hardware for double-pulse frame-straddling light sources. For each long-exposure, color-coded images received from each pinhole equipped with red, green or blue color filters, the streak-resolving algorithm is applied first to find each streak on the separate color channel, followed by an one-time triplet-matching process to group the red, green and blue streak projections. From the streak triplets, 3-D reconstruction can be done on all the resolved points on the streak, and trajectory fitting can then be applied to resolve the tracer particle trajectories in the field of view with temporal history. This procedure was applied for visualizing a microscale 3-D acoustic streaming flow pattern induced by a longitudinal spine-shaped fin oscillating at 12kHz. The height of the channel is 1mm with the spine of 0.3mm height and a 30 。 tip angle. Resolved flow fields show that the particle streak images can be resolved with the same level of accuracy to the particle tracking method, while the throughput of velocity vectors can be significantly higher due to multiple velocity vectors can be resolved from each streak triplet. The methodology has the potential to be applied to various applications that can capture long-exposure images and possible to resolve higher-order information such as acceleration and forces applied on the particles or the flow.