Particle Image Velocimetry And Scaling Of Mach 0.3 And 1.25 Axisymmetric Turbulent Jets
Kenneth Yi-Nian Hinh, Robert Martinuzzi, Craig Johansen
University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
The influence of compressibility on the scaling of the Reynolds stress transport (RST) budgets is investigated for Mach 0.3 and Mach 1.25 free axisymmetric turbulent jets using particle image velocimetry (PIV). It is proposed that the RST equations can be shown in self-preserving form scaled by the local streamwise evolving spreading rate, b’. It is shown that b’ is a function of the local convective Mach number, M_c. Compressibility effects on the suppression of the Reynolds stresses and higher turbulence moments are detailed. From self-preservation principles, the budgets scaled by powers of b’. In this form, most terms in the budgets are scaled appropriately indicating self-preservation. Terms which are not properly scaled are isolated then which allows for insight on effects of compressibility on turbulence.