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KHz Rate Fs/Ps-CARS Thermometry For Supersonic H_2/Air Combustion Studies

Clement Pivard, Michael Scherman, Rosa Santagata

ONERA, Palaiseau, France, Metropolitan


Accurate flow field measurements are essential to probe the phenomena involved in aeronautical engines undergoing high temperature and high turbulences. Indeed, reliable experimental datasets are needed to compare and validate numerical models. Among other laser diagnostics, Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) is a well-established non-linear spectroscopic technique used to probe harsh environments, since it provides non-intrusive local point measurements of chemical composition and temperature. We report here hybrid fs/ps Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (fs/ps-CARS) thermometry campaign performed on N 2 in a supersonic H2 /air combustion. We used a mobile and compact laser architecture that shapes, synchronize and generates the laser beams necessary for CARS spectroscopy. The instrument was moved to a large-scale facility representative of a scramjet combustor (ONERA LAERTE/LAPCAT-II bench). H2 /air was injected during several burst at 0,12 and 0,15 equivalent ratios. Using kHz single-shot measurements combined with motorized translation stages, spatial and temporal resolution were obtained to probe the flow and the combustion at various positions upstream and downstream the hydrogen injectors. At these positions, horizontal and vertical temperature profiles were retrieved and compared with a numerical unsteady fluid dynamic simulation using delayed detached eddy simulations (DDES) developed at ONERA (CEDRE). The position of the combustion inside the combustion chamber could be identified through several horizontal and vertical profile temperature measurements. The signal-to-noise ratio of the detection was optimized by empirically adjusting the number of averaged laser shots based on the level of flow turbulence. For instance, far downstream the H2 injection, averaging over 10 to 100 pulses was possible as the heated air flow was steady. This was confirmed by the good agreement with numerical simulations although some distortion could still be observed and will be used to adjust the numerical simulation algorithm. However, averaging was no longer possible close to the injectors, where a highly turbulent H2 /air combustion was observed. Nevertheless, taking advantages of the high rate single-shot capacity of the spectroscopic technique, temperature could still be retrieved inside this area. These measurements provided a valuable experimental database for comparing and refining computational fluid dynamics modeling.

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