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Evaluating High-Frequency Fluctuations And Its Effect On Hemodynamics At Varying Heart Rates In Intracranial Aneurysms Via 4D PTV

Baha Al Deen T El Khader (1), Jibin Joy Kolliyil (2), Jana Korte (3), Nikhil S Shirdade (4), Ephraim W. Church (2), Melissa C Brindise (4)

1. Penn state, State College, United States
2. Penn state, State College, Pennsylvania, United States
3. University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
4. penn state, State College, United States


Hemodynamics have been shown to affect the growth and rupture of intracranial aneurysms (IA). Studies have increasingly reported the presence of high frequency velocity fluctuations in aneurysms. However, it remains undetermined how transient physiological factors like heart rate and inflow blood waveform amplitude affect the hemodynamic parameters and high frequency fluctuations in and around an IA, as well as the risk of IA progression. In this work, we address this question using a volumetric particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) study where a patient-specific right middle cerebral artery (R MCA) aneurysm model was subjected to two heart rate conditions (60 bpm and 137 bpm). The input waveform amplitude for the 137 bpm case was increased by a factor of 1.6 to be physiologically consistent. Captured PTV images were processed using the Shake-the-Box (STB) workflow. Flow parameters including velocity, vorticity, and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) were evaluated. To evaluate the presence of high frequency fluctuations, a direct numerical simulation (DNS) using the R MCA geometry and same two heart rate cases was conducted and a method for use with STB particle tracks was proposed. As compared to the 60 bpm case, the 137 bpm case had a more concentrated inflow jet that extended further into the aneurysmal sac and a stronger and larger vortical flow structure in the aneurysmal sac. The 60 bpm case maintained a region of slightly elevated TKE at the main junction point where the aneurysmal sac and all vessels merge. In the 137 bpm case, TKE in this region was dramatically higher. Using probe points, the DNS data revealed high frequency velocity fluctuations in an outflow vessel during the deceleration phase of the cycle. Notably, these fluctuations were only observed for the 137 bpm case. For both the DNS and STB data, high frequency components were more prevalent and stronger outside of the aneurysmal sac as opposed to inside the aneurysmal sac. Overall, these results suggest that changes in heart rate induce changes to the flow structure and can induce significant increases in TKE and high frequency fluctuations. Based on our findings, a higher heart rate would be expected to yield a flow field more akin to IA progression. The specific correlation between the high frequency components computed using our proposed STB-based method and the high frequency fluctuations in the flow field could not be well understood. Thus, additional analysis and development of this method is needed.

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