Time-Resolved Determination Of Velocity Fields On The Example Of A Simple Water Channel Flow, Using A Real-Time Capable FPGA-Based Camera Platform
T. Steinmetz (1), M. Schaeper (1), A. Kleinwächter (1), J. Otto (1), A. Richter (2), R. Poosch (2), N. A. Damaschke (1)
(1) Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Rostock, Germany
(2) OPTOLOGIC Components GmbH, Germany
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become a widely available computational resource for real-time image processing and can be used in time-critical optical process measurements. This study investigates the applicability of the spatial filtering technique for time-resolved velocity field determination, on the example of a simple water channel flow. Therefore, the spatial filtering technique was implemented for a custom FPGA platform and analyzed regarding the effect of spatial and temporal resolution on the accuracy of the results. It was possible to prove the algorithm as suitable for velocity field estimation and identify algorithm parameters, which allow increasing the accuracy of the results.