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Study Of Flame-Wall Interaction : Influence Of Effusion Cooling On Pollutant Emissions

S. Milu-Vaidesegan (1), M. Orain (1), P. Doublet (1), M. Bellenoue (2)

(1) ONERA/DMPE, Université de Toulouse, F-31410 Mauzac, France

(2) PPRIME Institute, CNRS-ENSMA-University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France


For several years, engine manufacturers have had to meet increasingly stringent standards on pollutant emissions. Studying the flame/wall interaction is essential to control pollutant emissions and extend the lifetime of gas turbine. An inherent constraint of combustion chambers is that the walls are cooled by air introduced through multi-perforation (effusion cooling). The problem is that this injection of cold air into the combustion chamber disrupts the oxidation reactions of the fuel either by freezing them, which yields the emission of large quantities of CO, UHC and soot or by bringing fresh air to the rich areas, which is very favourable to the formation of thermal NOx. The focus of this work is to investigate the influence of parameters such as burner flow rate, cooling flow rate and equivalence ratio on the reaction zone. Experiments were conducted with a multi-perforated plate placed above a flat flame burner to simulate the head-on interaction between an aeronautical injector and an effusion cooled liner.

20th Edition
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